Piano, cultural management, event photography

Sofija Palurovic is a versatile artist, pianist, cultural manager and photographer. Born in Serbia in 1997, she currently lives and works in Vienna.

Her musical career includes performances in prestigious halls across Europe, including the Brucknerhaus Linz, the Beethoven Haus Bonn, the Klimt Villa in Vienna and the Town Hall in Novi Sad, Serbia, as well as numerous master classes with Jacques Rouvier, Angela Hewitt and Ian Jones, among others. She obtained her master's degree from the University of Music and Performing Arts in Vienna and is currently studying cultural management alongside her job.

She gained her first professional experience in this field while she was still at school in Serbia. In Austria, she has supported important cultural institutions in the management field, including as a study assistant at the Institute for Concert Piano (University of Music and Performing Arts Vienna), as an assistant to the artistic management office in Grafenegg and as an employee of the International Beethoven Competition.

Sofija is involved in various areas of the music world. In addition to her work as a pianist and photographer, she specializes in artist portraits, concert photography and management. She is a piano teacher at the International Music Academy in Vienna and also supports the institute in public relations, social media, design and administration.

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